Aotearoa - New Zealand
Awhi - embrace, assist
Hapu - sub tribe
Ingoa - name
Iwi - tribe, race, people
Kanohi ki te kanohi - face-to-face
Kawa - culture
Ko - with regard to, as for
Korero - talk
Koro - grand father or uncle
Mana - pride
Manaakitanga - to look after, show kindness towards
Maori - native people (of New Zealand)
Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi - name of a sub tribe or hapu
Te Arawa - A confederation of eight tribes descended from the eight children of Rangitihi
Toku - My, mine
Wairua - spirit
Waka - canoe
Whanau - family
Whangai - someone who is openly adopted